Run Containers At Scale With Docker And Docker Swarm
Create And Deploy Docker Containers And Build Multi-Node Swarm Clusters With Optimal Deployment Strategies
In this exciting new course, we show you how to host multiple domain names on a single Digital Ocean droplet. We will show you step-by-step how to configure a droplet with LAMP Stack on Ubuntu 18.04. This includes deploying a droplet, installing Ubuntu and all the components included in LAMP Stack including Apache, MySQL, PHP and PhpMyAdmin.
We also explore an exciting new feature offered by Digital Ocean, called "Floating IP's" which allow you to transfer IP's easily between multiple droplets.
After you understand the foundations of server configuration, we get into configuring Name Servers, DNS Zone Files and Virtual Hosts to host multiple domains from a single Virtual Server. You will have a thorough understanding of setting file permissions and developing an organized directory structure for all your websites.
We also show you how to configure an SSL certificate for each and every website that you host on your virtual server. For this part of the course we will be using Let’s Encrypt. Let’s Encrypt is a certificate authority that offers free SSL certificates, which are extremely simple to install and very secure.
You are welcome to use any hosting provider for this course, as the concepts can be easily implemented on any Virtual Server configured with the Ubuntu distribution.
Create And Deploy Docker Containers And Build Multi-Node Swarm Clusters With Optimal Deployment Strategies
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